The Kanha management has to undertake some very important conservation practices throughout the year to achieve goals and objectives of effective wildlife and habitat management. While some of the conservation practices aim at protecting wildlife and its habitat from all forms of offences, including poaching and destruction, the others stabilize deteriorating habitat conditions and improve different habitat types to help sustain thousands of ungulates. Ecodevelopment practices are carried out in the villages of the buffer zone to win public confidence and support for wildlife conservation. Wildlife health management is another conservation practice. All these practices ultimately converge to achieve the all-inclusive goal of effective wildlife management in the tiger reserve. Some important conservation practices directly related to the betterment of wilderness, specially in the core zone, are as under:
- Patrolling camps
- Routine foot patrolling
- Patrolling of sensitive areas
- Monsoon patrolling
- Routine elephant patrolling
- Tiger Protection Force (with ex-army personnel)
- Footpath surveillance
- Saltlick checking
- Waterhole checking
- Checking for electrocution
- Intelligence gathering
- Surveillance of habitual offenders
- Anti-poaching vigilance
- Night patrolling
- Prevention of poaching by iron traps
- Patrolling by dog squad
- M-STrIPES patrolling
- Fire protection